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Do A No Spend Month Challenge

If you're looking to get your finances in order, a no spend month challenge can be a great way to get started! By committing to a month of no spending, you can take a closer look at how you're using your money and make adjustments to save more for the future.

The no spend challenge is not buying any "wants" for a whole month! You will only buy absolute necessities! Below is a list but not limited to the items below. This is just so you understand the concept of the challenge.


No Allowed

All bills

Any shopping other than complete necessities


Going out to eat & for coffee

Grocery store food


Household items that you are completely out of and have to have (toilet paper, toothpaste, etc)

Unhealthy snacks, candy, etc

Subscriptions (try to cancel or pause if you can)

Memberships (if you can pause them)

The goal with food is to try and eat everything possible in your pantry, freezer, and fridge to save you from going to the grocery store.

Here are 5 tips to help you get started on your no spend month challenge:

1. Create a budget: Create a budget for the month for the categories that you are allowed to spend on.

2. Track your spending: Keep track of your spending each day (which shouldn't be a lot) so you can see where your money is going.

3. Find free activities: Look for free activities to do during your no spend month. Go for a walk, explore a new park, or invite yourself to a friend's house for dinner! There are plenty of ways to have a good time without spending money.

4. Ask for help: If you find yourself struggling with the challenge, reach out to friends and family for help. They may be able to offer advice or resources that can help you with your no spend month challenge.

5. Reward yourself after: If you made it the full month without spending, you deserve a treat! Obviously don't go blow your money but treat yourself with something small! Not spending for a whole month is definitely an accomplishment!

Other helpful resources:

Mastering Your Money workbook

10 ways to lower expenses

Budgeting notebooks:


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